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New Year, Same AMAZING You

By Nicole Barnett

Well here we are again at the start of a new year.  I don’t know about you, but my Facebook, Instagram and email inbox are already bursting with photos of impossibly toned bodies and articles from people who mustn’t have let even a gram of Christmas cake pass by their lips over the holiday season.

The New Year is a good reason to take stock of oneself, and maybe acknowledge a few areas where you could run more/read more/complain less/lay off the mini cookie-times – but you know what?  This year I’m not going to throw myself into the gym 150% more often than I was going last year, or refuse myself any cheese in an attempt to be a better person.  2017 was a weird year all-round, from politics to food fads, and if you’re anything like me – you’re a bit exhausted by it all.

So join me in a gentle entry into 2018, where we still go to the gym and make healthy food choices, but not to the extreme!  There are some general guidelines for a great life, and I think if we just continue to focus calmly on these like we did last year (maybe even a teeny bit more), we’re going to have an amazing 2018 without even trying:


It Still All Starts with Breakfast

We all knew this one was coming.  But clichés are clichés for a reason!  So grab your trusty brekkie bowl and dig in – we’ve even got a few quick, delicious and healthy recipes to get you started which you can find here


Continue to Move on the Daily

Some of you may have seen the story from Stuff the other day that revealed some disturbing findings from the latest Ministry of Transport survey – where it was reported that 100m was “A distance 81 per cent of us won’t walk in a day –  with the exception of walking around property and the like” (find the link to this article at the bottom of this post)

True or not, the important takeaway here is – don’t be one of those people.  You don’t need to run a marathon, but you do need to make sure that you continue to participate in some (hopefully enjoyable!) form of exercise each day.  10,000 steps most days is a great place to be, and combined with a few sessions of strength training a week you’ll be doing your mental, emotional and physical health so much good!


Keep on Eating Your Greens

Another obvious one – but there are a heck of a lot of people out there who neglect their mother’s advice and avoid their greens.  We know our followers are health conscious, so it might just be a matter of adding just one more serve of greens here and there to top up your good work.  Be it some steamed broccoli (with some cheeky cheese sauce) to compliment your main, , mixing some spinach in your salad greens, throwing a handful of asparagus spears on the BBQ, or sautéing some kale with olive oil and lemon (and feta because cheese is life).


Maintain Being Grateful

Keep on taking a minute here and there to be grateful for the amazing person you were last year, and will continue to be this year!  Cherish all the little things; like waking up with all the limbs you went to bed with, your friends and family, your DELICIOUS breakfast of The Mighty Food Kitchen granola (duh), and getting to live somewhere as beautiful as New Zealand.  My mum practises gratitude daily, and says it is one of the main sources of happiness for her in her life (apart from seeing my face of course).


Carry on Reaching Out

Continue to see your friends and call your family!  Reach out even more to your loved ones this year because it is jolly well one of the most important things you can do, according to Blue Zone longevity research studies.  The NZ Herald featured an interesting article on the topic recently, which is also at the bottom of this post.



So no need to go crazy in the New Year guys.  Just keep being that same amazing you, and keep practising (or gently start!) your breakfast-eating, active, broccoli-loving, grateful and sociable habits!

And for anyone who doesn’t know – we now delivery our wholefoods granola direct to your door – MIGHTY convenient one could say… So grab yourselves some free shipping using the promo code FREESHIP (valid until 19 Jan) and place your order online here


Stay Mighty!






Why not drop us a line or give us a call:
Smartfoods Limited, 31-35 Carbine Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland
Post: PO Box 109709, Newmarket, Auckland 1149, New Zealand.
Call us for free in NZ: 0800 328 935


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