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Buy Our Granola Online! Launching Very Soon!

Over the last few months, we’ve heard from a number of fans who’ve mentioned how much they love our granola, but how difficult it is to come by at their local supermarket.

We want to let all our mighty foodies know that we’ve heard you, and we are proud to announce that you will now be able to purchase your fix of Mighty Food Kitchen Granola on our website and have it shipped directly to your door – no matter where in the country you are!

We hope this offers you one less niggle to deal with in your daily doings, and a never-ending, delicious granola supply from here on in.

Our cart will go live on the Mighty Food Kitchen site in the next few weeks, so keep posted on our Facebook page for the latest.



Why not drop us a line or give us a call:
Smartfoods Limited, 31-35 Carbine Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland
Post: PO Box 109709, Newmarket, Auckland 1149, New Zealand.
Call us for free in NZ: 0800 328 935


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